Thursday, August 27, 2009

We are bike crazy!!!

As most of you know by now, Beej and I bought some mountain bikes and have been riding every single day (for the most part). We feel it's a good way to get in shape for the wedding and better our lives in general. I think that after two weeks of "warming up" we are ready to hit some parks with pave trails and maybe some off-road trails. We will see. Anyways, we will of course let you know of our progress (or lack there of) and whether or not we kill ourselves on these things.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome To Our Life Blog

This is going to be the place where all of our family and friends can get a peak into our lives. We have so much going on lately that it gets out of control sometimes. We will vent to you guys here, cry, share what ever happens in words and pics or movies. What ever we feel like doing. I think this will be a fun project for Beej and I so lets see where it takes us. You guys can feel free to comment on anything and say anything you like. We sure as hell will be.....